20 things successful people don’t do

Have you ever wondered what successful people do to become…well..successful?

Be they business people, entrepreneurs or property investors their success is caused by all the things they have chosen to do and all the things they have chosen NOT to do.

Lifehack listed 20 habits that successful people make it a point to consciously avoid.

1. They don’t define success with money

Most successful people define their success with happiness, inner peace, and positive contributions – more than money.

Being financially secure certainly can help open opportunities, relieve stress, and offer some piece of mind.

But successful people realize that all the money in the world cannot make you happy if you are unable to feel happiness from within.

2. They don’t start their day without a purpose or a plan

Not only do successful people have crystal clear short and long-term goals, but they also know exactly what they must accomplish each day to feel fulfilled as well as bring them closer to their goals.

They know that what you do mentally, physically, and spiritually during this first hour, sets the tone for the entire day.

3. They don’t set perfection as a goal

Successful people practice progress over perfection.

The danger in focusing on perfection is, that you become so consumed in finding imperfections to fix, that you will have little or nothing to show for in the end except unfinished, imperfect work.

4. They don’t surround themselves with negative people

It’s fairly easy to absorb negative energy when you are around toxic people who are always complaining, procrastinating and making excuses.

Instead, successful people surround themselves with other positive and proactive people who inspire them to achieve great things and live full out.

5. They don’t focus on the negatives

Successful people don’t entertain self-defeating negative thoughts.

When faced with difficulties, they’re quick to identify the benefits from the experience and remind themselves they’ve successfully overcome many hurdles before, so they can certainly overcome them again.

Successful people don’t focus on what “could” go wrong, but on what they must do to succeed, as well as the lessons they will gain from the experience to help improve their lives.

6. They don’t dwell on failures

Successful people accept that failure is an essential part of growth.

They look at these bumps as opportunities to learn, grow, and become even better for an even bigger win ahead!

They know that no matter how many times you’re knocked down, as long as you get right back up and use your new strength and knowledge to improve, you haven’t really failed.

7. They don’t dwell in problems

When you focus on the problems you’re facing, your behaviour agrees with the resulting stress, hindering your progress while bringing on even more problems.

However, focusing on actions to better your current situation produces clarity and positive thoughts, opening you to the possibilities of new solutions.

8. They don’t concern themselves with how others judge them

Successful people do not base their worth on how others think of them because they’ve set their own values, goals, and principles without having to depend on anyone to validate them.

Everyone sees through the eyes of personal life experience and individual interpretation.

9. They don’t make excuses

Successful people are proactive – they get things done.

10. They don’t get jealous of other people’s victories

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