7 reasons real estate agents make great parents

You might be surprised to learn that wrangling a couple of little monsters and working in real estate have an awful lot in common.

With their unique set of experience and skills, it’s no wonder real estate agents make fantastic parents!

And it’s not just because they’ll be able to help their kids get into the property market one day.

There is a raft of other reasons why…

1. They can keep track of a gazillion documents

If your kids are only small, you might not have experienced the avalanche of forms, permission slips, newsletters, and the like that it involves.

It starts with registering the birth, then enrolling into daycare, and fully explodes once school starts.

Keeping track of lunch orders, gold coin donations for fancy dress days, and excursion notices is practically a full-time job in itself.

Real estate agents are accustomed to juggling inspection reports, contracts, and leases, so handling the family paperwork isn’t a big stretch.

2. They’ve had excellent practice at taxi driving

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It starts with swimming… then football… then gymnastics… and before you know it, you are spending literally your entire waking life ferrying your kids around to various sports and activities!

For the uninitiated, this can be a big adjustment, but real estate agent parents just take it all in their stride.

They’re used to racing between open for inspections and meetings, know all the local shortcuts like the back of their hand, and can reverse-park outside an imposing apartment tower like a pro.

3. They’re FBI-level negotiators

If you’ve ever tried to convince a toddler to put their shoes and socks on, you’ll know that parenting is often 90 per cent tense negotiations, and 10 per cent looking at them lovingly while they sleep.

Many parents fall at the first hurdle when it comes to negotiations, and end up held hostage by a pre-schooler who will not be brushing his teeth until he’s had two chocolate frogs and an hour on the iPad.

A real estate agent, however, will never back down on these vital confrontations.

They may be the only people on the planet who can out-negotiate a stubborn four-year-old and walk away with their dignity (and their chocolate stash!) intact.

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