8 winning SEO A/B tests that boost organic traffic

Are you looking to improve your website’s SEO and increase organic traffic? This white paper from Search Pilot presents 8 real-world examples of SEO A/B tests that led to organic traffic increases between 3-29% for the companies that ran these tests.

Readers will discover real examples of:

  • What page changes help SEO rankings and what don’t
  • How to improve click-through rates
  • Getting content indexed faster

These are real test results from companies testing changes like removing page elements that slow load time, upgrading content formats and snippets, and optimizing title tags and on-page elements.

Learn more! Visit Digital Marketing Depot to download 8 New Winning SEO Tests.

Opinions expressed in this article are those of the guest author and not necessarily Search Engine Land. Staff authors are listed here.

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Digital Marketing Depot

Digital Marketing Depot is the resource center for digital marketing strategies and tactics. Created by Third Door Media, Digital Marketing Depot features a robust library of hosted white papers, eBooks, original research, and webinars on a wide range of digital marketing topics- from advertising, analytics, data and content management, to email marketing, SEO and PPC campaign management, and much more. Visit us at http://digitalmarketingdepot.com.

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