The taste of transformation

Food is elemental; it is the nourishing essence of life. Yet, its significance extends far beyond mere sustenance. As we marked World Food Day on Monday, Vaishali Vijaykumar brings five inspiring stories of individuals whose lives have been profoundly transformed by the power of food. Food as an identity Recently, at a friend’s mehendi ceremony,…

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A paper route to the plate

In the bustling pace of today’s digital world, where the Internet reigns as our all-encompassing resource, there’s a treasure often overlooked — humble handwritten recipes and comforting cookbooks, lovingly preserved within the four walls of our homes. When we immerse ourselves in the measurements and ingredients in these pages, we are surrounded by the culinary…

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Kahwa and Quinces in Kashmir

With roads being closed during winters and the supply of fresh vegetables cut off, it becomes imperative for residents of the state to sun-dry vegetables and store them for use during the cold months. On window sills and terraces, one can spot small piles of brinjals, cherry tomatoes, gourds and turnips being sun-dried. Once soaked…

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Local Tastes, Global Palates

In High Spirits For a long time, India was unfairly judged for producing spirits that used molasses,” says Siddhartha Sharma, founder of Piccadily Distilleries, best-known for producing the Indian Single Malt Whisky, Indri. In 2010, the distillery was launched with the aim of changing this perception. New domestic spirits in a premium category were introduced…

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Bowled over the great Ramen revolution

Stirring up a slurpy storm, the humble wheat noodle is driving the great ramen revolution in India. No longer limited to its traditional Chinese roots—a dish crafted with kansui, an alkaline substance—these noodles, soaked in a simmering broth of vegetables or meat, with an array of toppings, have transcended boundaries. Its widespread availability and adaptability are…

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A thoughtful journey

HYDERABAD: Deciding to embrace a vegan lifestyle is a personal choice driven by various reasons. For some, it’s about a commitment to making mindful choices; for others, it’s a means to achieve specific health goals or to support broader environmental and social objectives. While a vegan diet offers numerous benefits, it’s essential to remember that it’s…

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Waste Side Story: Putting waste to use

Did you know that pea pods, which we so often discard, make for excellent soups and crispy fritters? Or, that the roots and stalks of coriander also work wonders in a herb-y pesto, with roasted leftover bread fashioned as chips? This is also the perfect season to use fruit peels to jazz up a cocktail…

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Of fasts, feasts & fiesta

CHENNAI: Deepavali, the time when the light illuminates the nooks and crannies of the city, turning even the darkest corners into festive moods, is brewing in full force. Known as the Festival of Lights, this is a season where a flurry of activities, emotions, and delicacies, gets on board, especially in the vibrant metropolis of…

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