More hidden taxes for property owners revealed

Key takeaways The NSW Government is planning to increase property owners’ insurance costs by shifting the cost of the Emergency Service Levy (ESL) onto them, and increasing surcharges for foreign purchasers, raising the surcharge land tax, and freezing the land tax threshold. The Government’s solution to the state’s economic woes is to transfer the increased…

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How to Teach Your Kids to be an Entrepreneur

Becoming a successful entrepreneur is not easy. I spent five years studying 177 self-made millionaires and I have to say, the entrepreneurs in my study were among the most courageous, fearless individuals I have ever met. They put everything on the line. They took enormous risks in the pursuit of their dreams. If you want…

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Property Development Process Visualised

Property Development involves a wide range of activities and processes from purchasing land, building and developing high-rise apartment buildings and everything in between. In order to be successful, you’ll need to educate yourself on property, the markets, economics, finance, town planning, the construction processes and the marketing of real estate projects. Sound like a lot of…

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10 Inspirational Quotes From Jim Rohn

The late Jim Rohn was a gifted storyteller with dynamic delivery and thought-provoking substance. His philosophy was an important influence on me as I was growing my wealth and business so today I’d like to share a collection of his quotes: 1. “To become financially independent you must turn part of your income into capital; turn…

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