Navigating the Twists and Tangles of Wills

Key takeaways In a world where 75% of will contests are successful, it’s clear that the final wishes enshrined in one’s will are not as final as they may seem. Academic research suggests the trend of contested wills isn’t slowing down, and with the rise of blended families, the battleground over who gets what intensifies….

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Melbourne property will deliver the strongest growth over the next decade

Key takeaways Victoria’s high property taxes, soaring state debt, and mandated improvements have increased compliance costs, increased maintenance costs, and reduced the amount of control investors have over their valuable assets. However, the long-term fundamentals of supply and demand will eventually overrule short-term sentiment. Unlike Sydney, Melbourne has room to expand, and consequently doesn’t have…

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How to Maintain a Healthy Home Environment in Melbourne

Creating a healthy home environment is essential for the well-being of everyone residing within. Note: In Melbourne, where diverse weather conditions can affect living spaces, maintaining a healthy home requires attention to various aspects of home maintenance. This guide explores the critical elements that contribute to a healthy living space, including air quality, pest control,…

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Housing Market Cycles and Fundamentals

Key takeaways The underlying demand for housing is determined by the size of our population and the number of people that live (on average) in each dwelling. Population growth in Australia is faster than in other advanced economies. The average household size has declined over time, with more older couples and singles living alone, and…

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