Exploring Private Investments in Australia

The Australian investment landscape offers a plethora of options, and venturing beyond the traditional share market can unlock exciting growth opportunities. Private investments have emerged as a compelling avenue for sophisticated investors seeking diversification, potentially higher returns, and a more active role in shaping investment decisions. What are Private Investments? Private investments encompass a broad…

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End of financial year tax planning tips for 2023/24

Key takeaways You’ll need to estimate your taxable income for the 2023/24 financial year by tallying up all income and deducting all eligible expenses. Once you’ve estimated your likely taxable income for this financial year, it’s worthwhile to see if you can reduce your income below the previous tax bracket, and to contemplate your taxable…

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The fees you can write

Key takeaways If you own an investment property and rent it out, you can write off a number of costs on your annual tax return. You can write off loan establishment fees, amortisation of lenders mortgage insurance, title search fees charged by your lender, fees for preparing and filing mortgage documents, mortgage broker fees, strata…

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Unmasking the Quick-Fix Myths of the Major Parties

Key takeaways Australia’s housing crisis has become a fierce political battle that could have major implications for the next federal election. Peter Dutton kicked off his “election campaign” in his budget reply with a populist promise to fix the housing crisis by cutting back on migrant numbers to 140,000 a year and cap foreign student…

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Melbourne becomes second-most popular state for international homeseekers in April – new data reveals

Victoria has become Australia’s second-most popular state for international buyers and tenants eyeing a move to the lucky country last month. New figures from PropTrack show that offshore demand for rentals is currently 32% above historical norms, with increasing interest coming from the UK, New Zealand, and China. Only New South Wales had higher demand…

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1970s Average House Prices in Australia

Key takeaways Investors can often become annoyed or frustrated over their ‘lost opportunities’, but there is little to be gained from that mindset. Property prices increase significantly over time, and the earlier you start investing, the better off you’ll be. In 1975, the median house price in Sydney was almost six times the value of…

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