Do I Have Trust Issues? Quiz

Ever feel like your heart skips a beat when your partner’s phone lights up, not with curiosity, but with a prickle of suspicion? Do whispered conversations and late-night calls send your mind churning with “what ifs”? Perhaps you’ve even googled “pistanthrophobia test” to find if the label “afraid of commitment” fits a little too snugly….

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Do I Have Gender Dysphoria? Quiz

Ever wonder if the way you experience gender might be different than what’s expected? This “Do I Have Gender Dysphoria Quiz” offers a safe space to explore your gender identity, designed by an experienced counselor with a Master’s degree in Psychology. Gender dysphoria is a feeling of discomfort or distress that can happen when your…

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Is My Boyfriend a Misogynist? Quiz

Remember that first coffee date, the butterflies, the shared dreams? Now, fast forward. The jokes that hurt, the constant unsolicited advice, the backhanded compliments that chip away at your confidence. That spark you felt at the start, it’s flickering. Sound familiar? You’re not alone. Many women grapple with the question: “Is he a misogynist?” It’s…

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Am I Capable Of Love? Quiz

Have you ever gazed at a couple holding hands, a flicker of envy sparking in your chest? Or does the thought of someone holding your hand leave you feeling nervous and worried about independence? Perhaps somewhere in between, you’re tangled in a web of conflicting desires – yearning for connection while guarding your heart like…

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Will I ever find love? Quiz

Ever feel like navigating the world of love is like deciphering an ancient map? Do questions like “Do I like someone?” or “Will I ever find true love?” dance in your head like fireflies on a summer night? Well, we’ve got you covered! Dhriti Bhavsar, an experienced relationship counsellor has whipped up a quick and…

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Am I Ready To Date? Quiz

Are you ready to dip your toes into the world of romance and possibly date for the first time? Love is in the air, and building fulfilling relationships can be both exciting and challenging. Whether you’re a teenager navigating the early stages of love or someone considering serious dating, responsible dating is key. Our “Am…

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