Meaning, Importance, And How To Seek

What is reassurance in a relationship? That is the question that came to my mind when a friend told me about her relationship woes. According to her, her man always leaves her feeling insecure. He told her that her need for constant reassurance was draining him. Before long, he seemed to switch off from her…

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23 Huge Signs A Woman Is Attracted To You

I’ve often yelled at a friend fondly, “HOW are you unable to read the signs a woman is attracted to you? Look at her, she’s clearly throwing hints your way!” My friend’s dating life is filled with attempts at gauging interest from women. Watching him do that is a fascinating and irritating endeavor. But science…

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I like two guys. How do I choose? Quiz

Caught in the delightful dilemma of liking two guys? It happens to the best of us. One makes your heart do a happy dance, while maybe the other sparks a little something more… intriguing. Welcome to the ‘I Like Two Guys, How Do I Choose?’ Quiz, crafted by a seasoned relationship counselor who knows the…

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10 Ways To Attract A Millionaire Man

In the quest for companionship and love, the allure of dating a millionaire remains unique. It’s not just about the allure of wealth but also the lifestyle, sophistication, and experiences that such a relationship can offer. In a world where financial success is often equated with success, dating someone who has achieved significant wealth can…

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What Is The Role Of A Husband In A Modern Relationship?

In the earlier days, the role of a husband was solely of a provider, while the wife’s role was solely of a nurturer. However, family structures underwent a phenomenal transformation changing millennials’ perceptions of families. In many modern households, there aren’t any defined roles for husbands and wives; they take up responsibilities according to requirements…

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Is My Boyfriend Controlling? Quiz

Caring or controlling? It’s easy to mistake one for the other in relationships, but there’s a crucial difference – one makes you feel loved, and the other, scared. Enter the “Is My Boyfriend Controlling? Quiz,” a valuable tool for self-reflection designed to enhance your understanding of your boyfriend’s actions. Crafted by a psychologist with experience…

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