Caveats on Property in Australia Explained

Are you looking to buy an investment property or a new home?

If so, deciding whether to lodge a caveat with the Land Titles Office of the state in your land is located should be one of the key considerations.

A caveat can protect you from adverse claims by third parties and assist secure title against any potential disclosure issues associated with buying a property.

In this blog post, we’ll cover what caveats are, when it might be useful to place one on your land purchase, and how they work in practice.

We’ll also discuss the fees associated with the withdrawal of a caveat and how that takes place

Read on for essential insights into why investing in registered legal protection could prove invaluable down the road!

What is a caveat on a property?

One of the problems with the law is that it can be quite complex for everyday people to understand.

There is a lot of legal jargon that only lawyers seem to understand.

But we all need to understand different laws and especially within the real estate realm given it’s so highly regulated.

In a literal sense, a caveat means a “warning”.

A caveat is a legal notice that is placed on the property’s title, which alerts other parties that you have an interest in the property – even though you don’t actually own it yet.

This is sometimes called an “unregistered interest.”

The person lodging the caveat (the caveator) will provide details of their claim and means for them to be formally contacted in connection with the caveat.

The relevant government body will then notify anyone with an interest in the property who is affected by the caveat.

So what does having an “interest” in property actually mean?

Basically, it means that someone else has an interest in the property, which usually is some relation between the debt and the property or they have an equity interest in it.

The lodging of a caveat over a property is a way of telling anyone who wants to deal with the property to be aware of the fact that someone else’s interest already has priority.

In other words, a caveat is a written warning to anyone who checks the Certificate of Title of the property that the person who lodged the caveat has an interest in it.

The Registrar of Titles cannot deal with the property without first notifying the caveator.

There are a few situations in which it may be advisable to lodge a caveat on a property you are buying.

One such situation is if you have made a deposit on the property, but the sale has not yet been finalized.

Lodging a caveat can help protect your deposit and ensure that the property cannot be sold to anyone else without your knowledge or consent.

Another reason to lodge a caveat is if you have entered into a contract to purchase the property, but the sale has not yet been completed.

In this case, a caveat can help protect your interests in the property and ensure that it cannot be sold to someone else without your knowledge or consent.

Who can lodge a caveat?

When a buyer signs a contract to purchase real estate, he or she acquires what is known as a “caveatable interest”.

This means that the purchaser is entitled to register a caveat to protect that interest.

While it can be difficult to define, there are a number of people who might lodge a caveat on a property.

However, a caveat could be lodged by any of the following:

  • A person with an equitable interest in the land under a contract of sale;
  • A seller of the land who has received part of the installments for the purchase price, but is no longer the registered owner;
  • A purchaser who is paying the purchase price in installments, but is not the registered owner;
  • A person with a right of access to the land (e.g. by an unregistered easement);
  • A tenant under an unregistered lease;
  • Someone who has also signed the contract to buy the property – this is often a mistake made by two real estate agents;
  • A creditor who wants to prevent the seller from disposing of the property.
  • Equitable mortgagee;
  • A partner;
  • Lessee;
  • The beneficiary under a trust;
  • A victim of fraud.

It’s vitally important to understand that only a person who has a caveatable interest is entitled to lodge a caveat or to instruct their lawyer to lodge a caveat on their behalf.

Likewise, with any real estate transaction, it is best to have the caveat lodged by a lawyer so that advice can be obtained as to whether a caveatable interest actually exists, whether there are any contractual prohibitions on the lodging of a caveat, and whether further registrations to be made on the caveator’s behalf may be affected (a carelessly lodged caveat could prevent a purchaser’s own Transfer of Land from being registered or cause a lender to refuse to provide funds on settlement day).


What are the risks if I don’t lodge a caveat?

However, it is important to note that lodging a caveat can also have negative consequences.

For example, if you lodge a caveat on a property that you do not ultimately end up purchasing, it can be difficult to have the caveat removed.

This could lead to legal disputes and may even result in financial penalties.

While there are a number of people who might have the right to lodge a caveat on a property, many people do not.

It is a common misconception that any creditor can caveat a debtor’s property to secure the repayment of a debt.

However, this results in many creditors exposing themselves to considerable risks in cost penalties because they have registered a caveat without necessarily having a caveatable interest.

A caveat is merely a notice of claim which may or may not be a valid one.

The validity of the claim must be determined at some stage.

There are two main procedures to remove a caveat and in each case, a caveator must be prepared to incur considerable expense to prove their interest in the property if they do not want the caveat to be removed.

They are:

  • Removal by Application to the Registrar General
  • Removal by Order of the Supreme Court

In both instances, the caveator will be obliged to commence court proceedings or defend proceedings to prove their caveatable interest.

The costs of these court proceedings will usually follow the event, which effectively means that if you are unsuccessful in proving a caveatable interest the costs will be claimed from you.

This has the potential to mean you’re liable to pay costs in the tens of thousands of dollars.

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