Dispelling 20 common myths about property investment in Australia

Key takeaways

While many Australians are keen to invest in property to secure their financial future, the statistics clearly show that most investors fail to achieve their goals.

More than half of those who buy an investment property sell up in the first 5 years and only around 20,000 investors have joined the 1% club who own 6 or more properties.

Maybe that’s because the market is rife with myths and misconceptions that mislead not only beginning but also many seasoned investors.

Myths and misconceptions can easily lead us astray, so keeping our eyes on empirically supported facts and holistic strategies will always serve us well.

Remember, a well-informed investor is a successful investor.

While many Australians are keen to invest in property to secure their financial future, the statistics clearly show that most investors fail to achieve their goals.

More than half of those who buy an investment property sell up in the first 5 years and only around 20,000 investors have joined the 1% club who own 6 or more properties.

Maybe that’s because the market is rife with myths and misconceptions that mislead not only beginning but also many seasoned investors.

So let’s unpack some of these myths and get a clearer picture of what property investment really entails.

Property Investments

Myth 1: Property investment is simple

Reality: While property investment is simple, it’s not easy and that’s not a play on words.

Many people start investing in property thinking it’s straightforward, but the high attrition rates within the first five years, and the fact that 92% of investors never get past their first or second property, reveals the true picture.

Myth 2: You make money when you buy your property

Reality: That’s partially true, but not because you buy your property cheaply which is how most investors interpret this myth.

Buying a “bargain” is a one-off bonus.

On the other hand, the key to making money in the long term is purchasing an investment-grade property in a top location that will outperform the market in the long term with robust capital growth.

Myth 3: Properties increase in value every year

Reality: While over the long term, properties have historically risen in value, in some years might certain locations see flat growth or even a decrease in property values.

And different states and even suburbs can have vastly different property cycles.

That’s why it’s essential for investors to understand how the property cycle works and have financial buffers in place to buy themselves time (to ride out the cycle), not just a property.

Myth 4: Property values double every 7-10 years

Reality: This generalization may look good on paper, but it’s far from universally true.

While some properties might double in value within this timeframe, this is an average figure based on ABS stats over the last 40 years.

However many properties, in fact over half, don’t grow in value so fast – I guess that’s how averages work.

And over the long term, regional properties have not grown as strongly as most capital city properties.

This leads to the next myth…

Myth 5: All properties make a good investment

Reality: This is a big one. Many people enter the property market with the assumption that any property can become a golden goose, churning out financial rewards.

That’s far from the truth.

There are 11 million dwellings in Australia with a total value of around $10 trillion and yes, any of these can become an investment – just kick the landlord out and put a tenant in and you’ve got an investment – but that doesn’t make it “investment grade.”

An investment-grade property is one that’s likely to outperform averages in terms of capital growth because of its location, intrinsic value, or scarcity.

These are properties that are in high demand but low supply and appeal to a wide range of affluent owner-occupiers, are in the right location and are close to lifestyle amenities such as water, cafes, shops, restaurants and parks.

Investment Grade

This type of property also appeals to a wide range of tenants and is resilient during market downturns.

On the flip side, a non-investment-grade property – what some would call “investment stock” might have the opposite characteristics: located in an area with fewer growth drivers, less demand, or oversupply issues.

Many apartments in those Lego land high-rise towers fall into this category.

Investing in such properties can lead to stagnant capital growth and higher risks.

So, it’s not just about owning a property; it’s about owning the right property.

Don’t just grab a property because it’s within your budget; make sure it has the features and location that will make it a solid long-term investment.

Myth 6: Property investment is fun

Reality: The idea that property investment is an exciting venture can often lead to emotional decision-making.

In reality, property investment should be boring so that it can make your life exciting.

Your investment decisions should be evidence-based, numbers-driven and focused on the long-term gains.

Emotion has little place in a successful investment strategy.

Myth 7: Invest in your comfort zone

Reality: Emotional familiarity can lead to poor investment decisions.

Just because you live, holiday, or plan to retire in a particular area doesn’t mean it’s a good place to invest.

Myth 8: Property investment is a get-rich-quick scheme

Reality: Building a robust portfolio takes time and discipline.

It’s usually a journey of 25-30 years to reach financial independence through property investment. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.

Often the first 5- 10 years are when investors make mistakes and learn what not to do until they find a strategy that suits their goals, budget and risk profile.

The next stage is the asset-building phase of their investment journey, and this takes at least two full property cycles.

In this stage, you borrow and gear to build a large asset base of income-producing properties, and then eventually you slowly lower your Loan to Value Ratio so you can live off the Cash Flow from your property portfolio.

Myth 9: There’s one “Australian” property market

Reality: While the media frequently talks about “the Australian property market”, each state has its own cycle, and even within states, there are sub-markets based on property types, locations, and price points.

It’s a mosaic, not a monolith.

Myth 10: All properties increase in value over time

Reality: Unfortunately, some properties can stagnate or even depreciate.

Markets in regional Australia or mining towns can be highly volatile and risky for long-term investment.

And even some secondary capital city locations have stagnant growth for long periods of time.

Myth 11: Negative gearing is a surefire way to profit

Reality: When it comes to property investment, you’ll often hear two conflicting philosophies advocated.

Some suggest you should invest in property to achieve positive cash flow – that’s when rental returns are higher than your mortgage repayments and expenses leaving money in your pocket each month.

Others suggest you should invest for capital growth looking for an increase in the value of your property.

This second strategy usually leads to negative cash flow (negative gearing) in the early years because properties with higher capital growth usually come with lower rental returns.

But there is a third element to investment that many commentators forget to mention and that is a risk.

Considering cash flow, capital growth, and risk, when investing in residential property you can only typically have two out of the three.

If you want a property investment that is low-risk and has a high cash flow you will have to forgo high capital growth.

If you are looking for a low-risk investment that has strong capital growth (my preferred strategy), you will usually have to forgo high rental returns (cash flow).

Negative Gearing2

But let’s be clear…Negative gearing is not an investment strategy.

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