Everything you need to know about building insurance

Insurance is one thing that many Aussies overlook.

But whether you’re a homeowner or investor, it’s important to make sure you’re covered against anything happening to your property.

And for strata-titled properties, building insurance is included in your quarterly owner’s corporation or body corporate fees so owners just need to ensure they have adequate cover for their property’s contents.

In fact, most Australian home loan lenders require borrowers to take out home insurance as a condition of formally approving the loan.

Even if you’re fortunate enough to own a property and not have a mortgage, it is still vital to insure your property.

After all, how would you repair or rebuild your property in the event of a fire, flood and any other type of permanent damage?

Here, I’ve gone through everything you need to know about building insurance – the what, why, how to get it and how to use it.

What is building insurance?

Insurance is ultimately a risk transfer.

You relieve yourself of risk (and worry) and pass it over to an insurer, for a cost.

If something unexpected happens – and it is covered under the terms and conditions of your insurance contract – the insurance company pays you for the loss or damage.

So when it comes to our homes or investment properties, building insurance can help you to cover the costs of replacing or repairing your property if it is destroyed.

The building insurance typically includes the physical structure of the property and also permanent fixtures such as kitchens, bathrooms, fences, garages and even sheds.

What does building insurance cover?

Given, that building insurance typically refers to insurance coverage against a range of risks such as fire, storm damage, vandalism, and other specified perils, the coverage can vary depending on the insurance policy and provider.

But here are some common types of coverage that building insurance in Australia may include:

  • Building Structure: This covers the physical structure of the building itself, including walls, roof, floors, windows, doors, and fixed structures like built-in cabinets.
  • Fixtures and Fittings: Coverage for fixtures and fittings within the building, such as built-in appliances, lighting fixtures, and bathroom fittings.
  • Fire Damage: Protection against damage caused by fire, including damage to the building structure and contents.
  • Storm Damage: Coverage for damage caused by storms, including strong winds, hail, and heavy rain.
  • Water Damage: Protection against water damage from burst pipes, leaking roofs, or other plumbing issues.
  • Vandalism and Malicious Damage: Coverage for damage caused by vandalism or intentional acts of destruction.
  • Theft: Protection against theft or burglary of the building or its contents.
  • Liability Insurance: Some building insurance policies may also include liability coverage, which protects the policyholder against legal claims arising from injuries or property damage to third parties.
  • Extras: Emergency repairs, counselling services, clean-up fees, temporary accommodation, building modifications and funeral expenses where a household member dies as a direct result of an insured event may also be covered in some circumstances.

What is an insurance premium and how is it calculated?

A premium is the amount of money you pay for a policy.

When determining a premium, insurers consider many factors and use statistics and probabilities to determine the risk of insuring a particular risk and person.

The likelihood of claiming is considered and a premium for the insurer to take on the risk is determined.

Generally, when the risk of accident, loss, theft, or catastrophe is higher, so too are the premiums.

And when the risks are lower, the premiums are too.


How much does building insurance cost?

The cost of building insurance is based on the risk profile of the property and can vary wildly depending on various factors.

Your insurer will calculate the risk of damage or destruction to your property when determining a premium.

They will also consider a variety of factors, all of which can also affect your premium.

  1. Location: Insurance premiums can be influenced by the location of your property, including its proximity to the coast, whether or not it is in a flood-prone area or an area prone to bushfires.
  2. Property type: The type of property being insured (e.g., whether it’s a single-family home, apartment, commercial building etc.) and its construction materials, size, age, and condition can all impact insurance premiums.
  3. The sum insured: The sum insured, or the maximum amount the insurance policy will pay out in the event of a claim, can affect the cost of building insurance. Higher coverage limits generally result in higher premiums.
  4. Level of coverage: The extent of coverage and the specific risks covered by the policy can also influence the cost. For example, policies that include coverage for a broader range of perils may have higher premiums.
  5. Claims history: As with any insurance type, the claims history plays an important role and can affect future insurance premiums. Properties with a history of frequent claims will probably face higher premiums.
  6. Security measures: Security features such as alarm systems, deadbolts, and security cameras may result in a discounted insurance premium.
  7. Insurance provider: Different insurance companies may offer varying premiums for similar coverage.

How do I work out how much to insure my property for?

Properties are very diverse in size and style, as are the locations in which they’re built and the requirements of each customer.

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