Here’s How to Stay Safe

Key Takeaways

  • Amazon scam calls involve scammers pretending to be from Amazon to gain access to your Amazon or bank accounts.
  • Scammers may claim a lost package or expensive purchases to trick you into giving them your account or bank details.
  • Be cautious of anyone asking for personal information over the phone, hang up, and contact Amazon directly to confirm if the call was legitimate.

Scammers love to impersonate large, well-known companies, and Amazon is no exception. You may receive a call from someone claiming to be from Amazon, and they might make some scary claims about your account. So, what are Amazon scam calls, and how do you identify them?

What Are Amazon Scam Calls?

An Amazon scam call is when a scammer who isn’t from Amazon calls you and claims they work for the company. There are many different kinds of Amazon scam calls, but they usually want to gain access to either your Amazon account or your bank account.

The scammer gets a hold of your information through one of two ways. Either you give the details yourself, or the scammer convinces you to install a remote access app, and they access your accounts through your own PC.

Once the scammer has access to either (or sometimes, both) of these accounts, they can make huge purchases using your money. As such, it’s very important to learn what an Amazon scam call sounds like and how to avoid it.

How Does an Amazon Scam Call Present Itself?

Amazon scam calls can occur in various ways. Here are the more common methods scammers use.

1. Claiming an Amazon Delivery Got Lost

Amazon delivery box

The scammer might claim that a package you ordered from Amazon got lost in the mail. There is already a system in place to handle if your Amazon order never arrives, but the scammer will propose their own solution.

They can either ask for your Amazon account details in order to “track the package,” or they can ask for your bank details so they can “process a refund” for the lost item.

2. Claiming a Hacker Made Expensive Purchases on Your Account

Hacker on MacBook hacking WiFi

An Amazon scam call may claim that a hacker has breached your Amazon account and spent your money on goods. They will typically mention an expensive item, like an iPhone.

Of course, your accounts are safe, and nobody has ordered anything on your account. The scam relies on you panicking and agreeing to their solution. This may include permitting accessing to your Amazon account to cancel the order, or obtaining your bank account details so they can “refund” the money.

In some reported cases, the scammer will ask you to install a remote access tool so that the “fraud specialist” can cancel the order on your end. If you do this, the scammer can then access your other accounts through your PC and make unwanted purchases.

3. Claiming That Something Is Wrong With Your Account

Securing your Amazon account

Sometimes the scammer will claim that something is wrong with your Amazon account. They will then ask for your details to help resolve it.

In some cases, the scammer claims that they need to update your personal information. Other times, they’ll claim that a hacker tried to get into your account, so they need to run a security check to ensure you’re the legitimate account owner.

Regardless of the method used, the scammer will then ask you for your personal information, such as your login information, your bank details, and your address.

4. Claiming Your Amazon Prime Subscription Will Increase In Price

television screen with amazon prime video logo

In this scam, a scammer calls you and claims that your Amazon Prime subscription is about to go up in price. They’ll usually quote a drastic increase in price, hoping that you’ll ask to cancel your subscription.

If you do, the scammer will then “guide” you through the process of canceling your Amazon Prime subscription. This involves either asking for your account details so they can cancel it or asking you to download a remote access app so they can do it for you.

How to Identify a Real Amazon Call

These scams may sound scary, but some tell-tale signs will tip you off if someone is from Amazon or not.

Never Blindly Trust a Scammer’s Claims

If someone is talking to you about an Amazon order they claim you placed, but you’re not expecting an order from Amazon, that’s a dead giveaway that you’re talking to a scammer. Don’t assume you simply forgot about an order you’ve already placed; just hang up the phone and ignore it.

Amazon Will Never Ask for Sensitive Information

Amazon does not need to ask you for your account password. Your password is provided for you to access your account; Amazon doesn’t need your password to access your data or update something on your account.

Similarly, Amazon will never ask you for your bank details. If you buy things on Amazon, your payment details are already logged on your account. If Amazon wants to refund you something, they will usually send the payment back over the method you provided them.

As such, if someone on a call asks you for your Amazon account password or your bank details, it is definitely a scam. Do not give them any information and hang up immediately.

If In Doubt, Hang Up and Check With Amazon

Someone hanging up a phone

Scammers are experts at making people panic. They will use fear tactics to make you think irrationally and do things you wouldn’t normally do.

If you’ve identified the telltale signs you’re on the phone with a scammer, but you’re scared to hang up (in case they’re legitimate), do so anyway. Then, visit Amazon Support and speak with a professional there. Explain what the call was about and what was said.

If the call was legitimate, the support agent can identify the issue and help you through the steps. If it wasn’t, the agent should reassure you that it was a scam and put your mind at ease.

With these tips, you’re now more than ready for any Amazon scam calls. Keep a level head, don’t give away personal information, and you should do fine against scammers.

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