If you’ve got a dark roof, you’re spending almost $700 extra a year to keep your house cool

If you visit southern Greece or Tunisia, you might notice lots of white rooftops and white buildings to reflect the intense heat and keep residents cooler.

It’s very different in Australia.

New housing estates in the hottest areas around Sydney and Melbourne are dominated by dark rooftops, black roads and minimal tree cover.

Dark colours trap and hold heat rather than reflect it.

That might be useful in winters in Tasmania, but not where heat is an issue.

A dark roof means you’ll pay considerably more to keep your house cool in summer.

Last year, the average household in New South Wales paid A$1827 in electricity.

But those with a lighter-coloured cool roof can pay up to $694 less due to lower cooling electricity needs.

Put another way, a dark roof in Sydney drives up your power bill by 38%.

When suburbs are full of dark-coloured roofs, the whole area heats up.

And up.

And up.


This is part of the urban heat island effect.

In January 2020, Penrith in Western Sydney was the hottest place on Earth.

Cool roofs have many benefits.

They slash how much heat gets into your house from the sun, keep the air surrounding your home cooler, boost your aircon efficiency, and make your solar panels work more efficiently.

State governments could, at a stroke, penalise dark roofs and give incentives for light-coloured roofs.

Scaled up, it would help keep our cities cooler as the world heats up.

But outside South Australia, it’s just not happening.

Why won’t state governments act?

To date, our leaders show no interest in encouraging us to shift away from dark roofs.

In New South Wales, plans to ban dark roofs were axed abruptly in 2022 after pushback from developers.

The current NSW planning minister, Paul Scully, has now paused upgrades to the state’s sustainability building standards which would have encouraged light-coloured roofs.

Other Australian states and territories have also paused the rollout of new, more ambitious building sustainability standards.

This is short-sighted for several reasons:

  1. it costs the same for a light- or dark-coloured roof
  2. owners will pay substantially higher electricity bills to keep their houses cool for decades
  3. keeping the building status quo makes it harder to reach emission targets
  4. dark roofs cut how much power you get from your rooftop solar, especially when it’s hot. This is doubly bad, as blackouts are most likely during the heat.

At present, South Australia is the only state or territory acting on the issue.

Early this year, Housing Minister Nick Champion announced dark roofs would be banned from a large new housing development in the north of Adelaide.

What’s at stake?

At present, the world’s cities account for 75% of all energy-related carbon dioxide emissions.

It’s vitally important we understand what makes cities hotter or cooler.

Local Effect On Temperature

Brick, concrete, tarmac and tiles can store more heat than grass and tree-covered earth can, and release it slowly over time.

This keeps the air warmer, even overnight.

Built-up areas also block wind, which cuts cooling.

Then there’s transport, manufacturing and air-conditioning, all of which increase heat.

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