Internship Experience at Jus Corpus Law Journal, Lucknow

Name of the Student

Yogendra Pratap Singh

College and Year of Study

Vikramajit Singh Sanatan Dharma College; 4th year

Name and Address of the Organization

Jus Corpus Law Journal. Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh – 226001.

Duration of Internship

1 month From 01/06/2023 Till 30/06/2023

How did you Apply?

I applied by sending an email to [email protected] with my curriculum vitae.

First-Day Formalities, Infrastructure, First Impression

I was asked to join the WhatsApp group through a link which was provided to me as a reply to my application email. On the second day, there was a Google Meet session in which we were given a briefing about what we would be required to do, the benefits, what we would be learning, etc. The first impression was excellent as no misconduct generally happens during the online meet sessions and WhatsApp chats.

Main Tasks

The main task was content writing. We were taught about what the word limits of the articles and blogs should be. We were given the freedom to choose the topic we wished to write as well as whether it would be a case comment, long article, short article, book review or blog.

Work Environment

Although it was a virtual internship, the working environment was very pleasant. There was no misconduct by anyone nor there were any confusion relating the tasks or the deadlines. We were provided with a submission deadline of 8 days for a blog and 16 days for an article. The minimum requirement for obtaining the internship certificate was the publishing of one blog and one article and to qualify for the letter of recommendation the minimum requirement was two journal articles.

Good things

I learned about different kinds of articles that can be written. I also learned about OSCOLA 4th edition citation style. Earlier I only knew about Bluebook but during this internship, I learned OSCOLA citation style which felt great. The leaders also taught us about how we can remove plagiarism from our work and write original content ourselves. Getting an article published at the student level is a great achievement as it was my 1st Article which got published.

Bad things

No bad things as such. I was well-guided during the whole internship by the leaders. All the queries were addressed and cleared within 24 hours which was great. As it was my 1st online internship I was completely satisfied and happy to work with Jus Corpus Law Journal as their intern.



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