Make more money

Did that subject line grab your attention?

Of course, it did and so it should — we all started our own businesses for different reasons.

Some of us took the entrepreneurial leap so we could have more autonomy.

Some to gain more free time (how’s that working for you?)

Most of us however are looking to make more money — not for the sake of money but we know it gives us freedom and options.

That’s why we invest in marketing like email campaigns and social media.

That is also where we often go wrong.

Here are the three biggest mistakes I see business owners make in their marketing and how to fix them.

They make it about them

Imagine if the heading for this article had been “Make me more money”?

Would you have read it?

I wouldn’t blame you if you said “no”.

I am sure you see that kind of marketing all the time.

You know the posts and emails that say:

“How I made $30k in 30 days”

“How I scaled my business so I can lay on the beach all day”

It’s all self-focused ego-centric bullshit.

I wouldn’t open an email or click a link that spoke everything about them.

I might however be very tempted to read something that told me how I could make $30k in 30 days or how I could create a business rather than just a job (What a great title for a book! You can grab one here).

The point is that your message, however, you choose to send it really needs to speak to the audience.

You need to show them how they can achieve or benefit from what you offer.

Take a look at your current message and ask whether it is all about them or about you.

They sell the logistics and not the outcomes

I once had a potential coaching client ask me how many hours a month, he would have access to me.

He was buying my time, that’s where his focus was.

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