9 Simple Rules of property Investment

I was recently asked to distil my property investment philosophy into a few simple rules. Now that’s a big ask… Distil all the mistakes I’ve made and seen others make, as well as all the lessons I’ve learned and those of the many successes investors I’ve worked with into a view of simple rules. Anyway…here’s…

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How to Maintain a Healthy Home Environment in Melbourne

Creating a healthy home environment is essential for the well-being of everyone residing within. Note: In Melbourne, where diverse weather conditions can affect living spaces, maintaining a healthy home requires attention to various aspects of home maintenance. This guide explores the critical elements that contribute to a healthy living space, including air quality, pest control,…

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Top-10 Wool Producing States in India 2024

India, known for its diverse agricultural and textile contributions, also plays a significant role in the wool industry. Wool production is a vital aspect of the rural economy, particularly in regions with suitable climates and pastoral landscapes. As of 2024, several states have emerged as leaders in wool production, contributing significantly to India’s wool industry….

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Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang Is Powering the AI Revolution

How big is your concern that these constraints will spur China to spin up competitive AI chips? China has things that are competitive. Right. This isn’t data-center scale, but the Huawei Mate 60 smartphone that came out last year got some attention for its homegrown 7-nanometer chip. Really, really good company. They’re limited by whatever…

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