Property markets are always on the move

Have the Perth and Adelaide housing markets peaked?

And if so, where will we find the next boom markets?

The answer lies in who is doing the buying and selling.

Experts commonly refer to a city’s median housing price when describing its performance, but this is misleading.

The median price lumps all buyers and sellers, such as first home buyers, upgraders, downsizers and investors together, as if they all buy and sell in the same suburbs at the same time.

Markets do not behave like this at all, so understanding which buyers or sellers are active at any time and where they are likely to buy or sell enables us to make far more accurate predictions.

For example, Perth and Adelaide have been two of the nation’s best property market performers in recent years, but the strongest growth has occurred in their most affordable suburbs such as Adelaide’s outer northern suburbs and Perth’s outer southern suburbs.

I publicly predicted this trend at the time.

I accurately forecasted that it was not first home buyers, upgraders or even downsizers who would cause those booms, but increasing numbers of East Coast investors and buyers agents.

This is because investors and their buyers’ agents tend to look for suburbs with the lowest buy prices and the highest rental yields.

At the time, house prices in those locations were the most affordable of any capital city suburbs in Australia, while rental yields were over 6% and rental demand was rising strongly.

The scene for house price booms was set.

Strong price growth encourages more buyers to join in

The growing buyer demand led to price rises which then encouraged more investors and buyer agents to join in.

As a result, the median house prices in the lower-priced suburbs of Perth and Adelaide have soared by over 50% in the last two years.

Prices Are Affordable

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