These 3 boxes cover what you need to know about property

I like to use three boxes to explain most things residential.

They are known as The 4’s.


The Four W’s.

We originally these here and it’s the What, Who, When, and Where

1. What

Here, four things matter most – without wanting to place catchy caps on everything – I call these the Four Ps:

  • People – who is involved and what’s their pedigree/experience?
  • Product – does it suit the current and, more importantly, future markets?
  • Position – is the property in a good spot?
  • Price – not only the price paid but the terms of the deal too

2. Who

Who is going to rent the investment of you?

Can you get more rent via more tenants or higher-paying ones?

Who will buy the property from you when it comes time to resell?

Will this property hold an increasing appeal in the future?

If not, can it be improved so that it does?

3. Where

If an investment, is the property in a future pulse point?

Will the actual location retain; gain or lose value?

4. When

At what phase is the local property cycle – recovery, upswing, peak, downturn, stagnation, or trough?

Remember, the best buying opportunities are when supply exceeds demand – the downturn-to-trough stages of most property cycles.

The 4 Q’s

This is the Matusik Property Clock – four Quadrants – Recovery, Upturn, Downturn, and Stagnation.

A market’s position on the property clock is based on the strength and direction of several key real estate indicators including – sales volumes, price and rent momentum, underlying housing demand, new and existing housing supply, employment generation, and growth in household income.

The 4 P’s

This covers the more important stuff, for mine – the People involved, the actual Position of the property, the Product itself, and the Price paid. risk investment market

So, what do we look for when assessing an investment-orientated residential project or dwelling product?

After almost 30 years of doing this stuff, we are either an absolute fluke or we might know a little about what we do.

For the record, I do think it has been as much fluke as focus.

But I am told I can be a difficult bugger.

So here goes:

1. Pedigree

Who are the developer, builder, and manager? What is their track record? Do they deliver what they say they will?

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