What flying with Richard Branson taught me and what you can learn from it too

I was due to fly to Melbourne a couple of years ago.

There was nothing surprising in that, I have been flying between Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne every week for a couple of years.

Wow hasn’t covid changed all of that?

I normally flew Business class, so that I could get work done, and given the amount of flying I was doing, the cost difference was quite small.

This time though the cost difference was huge, so I decided to fly Economy.

Guess who jumped on, sat in business, AND spoke to every person in business class that day?

Yep, Richard Branson himself. And that there ladies and gentlemen is my experience of flying with Sir Richard.

The interesting thing though is what he had to say (or what parts of it that I was privy to sitting back in Economy).

From his announcement to the whole plane, came three great takeaways that you can apply in your business.

Takeaway 1

Sir Richard took to the PA and thanked everyone on the plane.

He thanked his team for travelling with him, he thanked the pilots and all the flight crew, and then he thanked all the passengers.

It wasn’t just some rehearsed generic thanks though.

He thanked the pilots by name.

He named each and every member of the crew and thanked them not just by name but also by sharing a very small amount of personal knowledge about each of them.

I have no doubt that they all would have felt quite special.

He also thanked the passengers, not by name of course but he made sure that no matter where you were sitting on the plane you felt like he was speaking to you.

He thanked them for their business, and he singled out the regular flyers, thanking them for their loyalty.

It is a skill, to be able to make people feel special in a group message but it is a skill you can learn if you practice!

What Richard did here was to understand that the biggest stakeholders in his business were his team and his clients, and he found a way to thank them for working together.

Takeaway 2

He took time with his team.

During the flight, there were lots of selfies with him and the cabin crew.

He spoke to each of them, by name, and he took the time to make each of them feel valued.

When the plane landed, he let his team step off first.

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