What Happens When You Unsend a Message on Instagram?

Key Takeaways

  • When you unsend a message on Instagram, it’s removed from both your end and the recipient’s, and you can do this even if the recipient has already seen it.
  • Unsending a message immediately after sending it means the recipient probably hasn’t seen it, but there’s still a possibility that they have.
  • Instagram also offers a way to edit sent messages. Opting to edit a message instead of unsending it could be a more effective way to fix mistakes.

Like many social media platforms, Instagram allows you to unsend a message if you accidentally send something inappropriate or to the wrong recipient. But what happens when you unsend a message? Will the sender be informed that you’ve unsent it? What if the sender has already viewed the message?

What Happens When You Unsend a Message on Instagram?

When you unsend a message on Instagram, it is entirely removed from your and the recipient’s chat. Unlike deleting a message via apps like WhatsApp, where the recipient might see a line saying “This message was deleted” in place of the deleted message, Instagram does not leave any indication that you’ve deleted the message. It appears as though you never sent it at all.

There are no restrictions on the type of content you can unsend: you can unsend text, photos, videos, emojis, voice notes, or any other type of message. Also, there’s no time limit for when you can unsend a message; you can do so at any time.

To unsend a message on Instagram, follow the below steps:

  1. Tap and hold the message you want to unsend.
  2. Tap Unsend.

Can You Unsend a Message After the Recipient Has Seen It?

In contrast to WhatsApp, where you can’t unsend a message after a certain amount of time has passed, on Instagram you can unsend a message at any time, even if the recipient viewed it days ago.

To confirm whether the recipient has seen the message before you unsend it, you can check the read receipts in the chat. However, if they have disabled their read receipts or restricted your account, you won’t be able to confirm whether the recipient has already seen it.

Can the Recipient See the Unsent Messages if You Delete It Instantly?

If you quickly delete a message right after sending it, there’s a good chance the recipient won’t have seen it yet. However, if they were actively engaged in the conversation with the chat screen open, if they were holding their phone when the notification appeared, or if they had enabled flash notifications, there’s a possibility they might have already seen the message.

Also, third-party apps can record messages sent to an Instagram account. If the recipient has configured an app like this to log their messages, unsending a message on Instagram won’t erase that record. This means the recipient can still access and review anything you sent, regardless of whether you unsent it.

If the recipient has enabled the notification history feature on their Android phone, they might also be able to view the message from there.

Editing the Message Instead of Unsending It

Instagram offers a feature that enables you to edit messages up to 15 minutes after sending them. This can be useful to correct a typo or modify what you said. This way, even if the recipient has already seen the original message, editing it can help clarify your meaning.

To edit a text message on Instagram, tap and hold the message you want to change, then select Edit. You can then correct or modify the text and press the send icon to update it.

Sending a message to the wrong person can indeed be embarrassing. Now that you know what happens when you unsend a message and the situations in which the recipient might still be able to see it, always take a moment to review your messages before sending them to avoid any potential embarrassment.

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